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We’ve compiled a list of all documents presented to the court related to the motion for a Preliminary Injunction.

Click on the headings to view respective documents. 

12 de marzo de 2018 - Queja

Nueve beneficiarios de TPS y 5 hijos estadounidenses de los beneficiarios de TPS presentaron una demanda contra el Secretario de Seguridad Nacional para impugnar las terminaciones de los Estados Temporalmente Protegidos, una forma de ayuda humanitaria a la inmigración, para cuatro países: Sudán, Nicaragua, El Salvador y Haití. Las recientes decisiones de la Administración Trump de terminar el TPS, una forma de ayuda humanitaria a la inmigración, para El Salvador, Haití, Sudán y Nicaragua amenazan con privar a cientos de miles de inmigrantes de estatus legal. El caso alega que la Administración violó los derechos constitucionales de los beneficiarios de TPS y sus hijos. El caso alega además que el gobierno violó la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo. Más información sobre las reclamaciones presentadas por los demandantes y las historias de los demandantes está disponible aquí. Los demandantes están representados por la National Day Labour Organizing Network, ACLU del sur de California y la firma de abogados Sidley Austin.

21 de mayo de 2018 - Moción para despedir

The U.S. government sought to dismiss, or throw out, the lawsuit.

4 de junio de 2018 - Oposición al movimiento para despedir

Plaintiffs responded to the government’s arguments, contending that the Court had jurisdiction to hear this case, and the TPS holders and the U.S. citizen child plaintiffs had stated valid claims. As the plaintiffs wrote in opposing the government’s motion, “In [the government’s] view, even if Government officials flipped a coin to determine whether to end TPS—or wrote explicitly … that they were ending TPS because they did not want ‘people from shithole countries’ (and their children) living here—the federal courts could do nothing. Defendants’ view is not the law.”

11 de junio de 2018 - Respuesta a la moción para despedir

The U.S. government replied to the arguments presented by the plaintiffs in opposition to the government’s motion to dismiss.

6 de agosto de 2018 - Orden de moción de desestimación

Federal District Judge Edward Chen rejected the government’s motion to dismiss the case. In his decision, Judge Chen held that “Plaintiffs have plausibly pled that President Trump made statements which a reasonable observer could construe as evidence of racial bias animus against non-white immigrants, and that he thereafter influenced and tainted DHS’s decision-making process with regard to TPS.”

23 de agosto de 2018 - Moción para una demanda preliminar

TPS holders from four countries made the first ever attempt to enjoin—or stop—terminations of TPS. The plaintiffs moved to enjoin the terminations that are scheduled to go forward as soon as November 2 (for Sudan), followed by planned TPS terminations for Nicaragua, Haiti and El Salvador. The plaintiffs argued, with voluminous evidence, that the terminations violate the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Among the evidence Plaintiffs presented with their motion was a declaration from a former USCIS Director describing the standard practice of TPS determinations and documentation of the Trump Administration’s decisionmaking process with regard to TPS—showing grave deviations from standard practice, manufactured outcomes that do not correspond to the evidence, and significant interference from the White House. (See some of the documents Plaintiffs uncovered here.) Plaintiffs also presented testimony about the harm that they face if TPS is terminated.

Documentos justificativos de la moción de interdicto preliminar

Exhibits [for some of the most outrageous government documents disclosed, click here].


Leon Rodriguez, former Director of the USCIS


Amicus Briefs in Support of Preliminary Injunction Motion

6 de septiembre de 2018 - Oposición a la moción para una demanda preliminar

11 de septiembre de 2018 - Respuesta a la moción para una interdicción preliminar

3 de octubre de 2018: Orden que otorga la moción del demandante para una demanda preliminar

October 23, 2018 - Defendant's Proposal to Implement Preliminary Injunction Order

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